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Total Body Analysis aka TBA
What is Total Body Analysis?
Total Body Analysis is a system created by Dr. Reuben DeHaan. This system with the use of kinesiology is able to determine the cause of your symptom. Once a cause is determined, we can create a custom detox remedy to rid your body of the cause so your body can heal. There are many causes to symptoms such as bacteria, fungi, virus, parasite, chemicals, nutritional decencies, emotional trauma and many more. It's actually a very simple process.
During a session we only use kinesiology to test, no blood draws, urine tests or physical exams are needed. Testing can be completed in person in Belmont NC, over zoom, over the phone or you can submit your symptoms and we can test you 'remotely'.
Sounds crazy right? Total Body Analysis is actually part of quantum physics, energy is energy and energy is everywhere. This allows us to work with you no matter your locations.
The 10 minute video below explains the process further, if you have any questions, please contact Susan and she will be happy to help you.
Make sure you check out the videos on the site about Kinesiology also.
What is Total Body Analysis?
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